Emergency Drinking Water

Emergency Drinking Water

Having drinking water available in times of emergency is essential to you and your family's survival.  Existing water sources may not be available should disaster strike so make sure to have plenty of drinking water stored in a safe accessible location. The Red Coss recommends: storing at least 1 gallon of water per person per day; storing a minimum of a 3 day supply; store and drink twice as much water in warmer climates, and don't forget water for your pets.

  • PRO - This Emergency Kit is part of the Essential Packs Professional Line of products and contains a comprehensive set of emergency supplies.
    5/20 YEAR - The Mainstay emergency water pouches in this kit have a 5 year shelf life. The Puravai emergency water containers in this kit have a 20 year shelf life.
    Aqua Kit Pro - Contents

    Aqua Kit Pro

    MSRP: $96.99
    OUR PRICE: $69.99

    The Aqua Kit Pro is an emergency water kit that contains over 170 ounces of emergency drinking water.  The Aqua Kit Pro also comes with a AquaMira Filtration Water Bottle, and a 5-gallon collapsible water container with spigot.  This...

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  • 5/20 YEAR - The Mainstay emergency water pouches in this kit have a 5 year shelf life. The Puravai emergency water containers in this kit have a 20 year shelf life.
    Aqua Kit - Contents

    Aqua Kit

    MSRP: $64.99
    OUR PRICE: $56.99

    The Aqua Kit is an emergency water kit that contains over 190 ounces of emergency drinking water.  The Aqua Kit comes with a 50 AquaTabs Water Purification Tables and a 5-gallon collapsible water container...

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